It has been nearly two years and we are still no closer to discovering what really happened to Gary Carmichael. His car was found abandoned at the Greenleaf Public Access Television Station and when the police finally checked his home it seemed that he was drinking heavily again. Any information regarding Gary's disappearance would mean the world to his colleages and friends, please feel free to reach out to me with any info at webmastermalcom@aol.com. As you might have noticed I've migrated the site over from Geocities to Neocities, and will continue to keep this page as a tribute to Mr. Carmichael, however I find it harder to post updates often with my new job. - Malcolm Fischer
Pictured below you can see Army Air Forces Major Jesse A. Marcel holding the supposed Roswell wreckage. In what is probably the most well known coverup of a crashed extraterrestrial object, the USAAF staged this ridiculous show in an effort to explain away the crash of a flying disc over several New Mexico counties. A high altitude weather balloon was the scapegoat however the thin foil of the balloon does not reconcile with the materials described by eyewitnesses.

After much thought I decided to go ahead

copyright Disclosure with Gary Carmichael 1997